20th September 2024

Search Kegworth Parish Council

Serving the people of Kegworth

Planning Applications

Disclaimer: This page should contain all undecided planning applications, but to be 100% sure contact the District/Borough Council directly. We receive details of applications and are consulted on them. We can submit our views (taking into account the views of local residents), but the District/Borough Council primarily look to us to provide local insight and may not follow our view. The public should send comments to both the Local Council and District/Borough Council within any deadline period. You can voice your concerns to them on any planning matter. The national Planning Portal is your one-stop shop for planning and building services online.

Thu, 13 Jun 2024

Demolition of existing garage and erection of two storey annex extension and the demolition of conservatory and erection of single storey extension (Option 1)

2 Langley Drive
DE74 2DN

Thu, 13 Jun 2024

Demolition of existing garage and erection of single storey annex extension and the demolition of conservatory and erection of single storey extension (Option 2)

2 Langley Drive
DE74 2DN

Wed, 4 Sep 2024

Fell 1no. Sycamore Tree (Unprotected tree in a conservation area)

Springwell House
40 High Street
DE74 2DA

Tue, 27 Aug 2024

Certificate of Lawful Proposed development for replacement of 3no. front timber windows to UPVC windows

34 High Street
DE74 2DA

Mon, 16 Sep 2024

Amendments to condition 2 of planning permission 23/00933/FUL which was for the proposed conversion of a former chapel into nine residential flats and associated development to amend the design to include additional detailing, render and the reduction and repositioning of the solar panels

Kegworth Wesley Methodist Church
High Street

Wed, 6 Mar 2024

The approval of details reserved by conditions 3 (External Materials), 4 (Windows), 6 (Landscaping/Boundary Treatments), 7 (Historic Building Survey), 8 (CEMP) and 14 (Cycle Parking) relating to planning permission ref: 23/00933/FUL

Kegworth Wesley Methodist Church
High Street

Fri, 9 Aug 2024

Erection of a two-storey side extension and conversion of integral garage into habitable living accommodation

6 Windmill Way
DE74 2FA

Wed, 7 Aug 2024

Certificate of lawful existing use of the site as a 4 bedroom House in Multiple Occupation (HMO)

2 Shepherd Walk
DE74 2HS

Tue, 26 Mar 2024

Demolition of the existing flat roof rear extension together with associated external and internal alterations (amended scheme to 20/01883/LBC)

10 High Street
DE74 2DA

Fri, 17 May 2024

The approval of details reserved by condition 6 (Replacement Tree Planting Scheme) relating to planning permission reference 19/01426/FUL

St Andrews Church
Church Gate

Wed, 28 Aug 2024

Certificate of Lawful Proposed Use for Alterations to the front elevation and change of use of the utility/store to a reception room/home office

28 London Road
DE74 2EU

Wed, 17 Jul 2024

Erection of two storey office building with associated works

63 Nottingham Road
DE74 2FH

Fri, 24 Mar 2023

Conversion of an existing outbuilding to form additional accommodation, link extension and associated external alterations

13 London Road
DE74 2EU

Mon, 17 Apr 2023

Certificate of Lawful Proposed Use for external alterations to include replacement openings and the insertion of rooflights

13 London Road
DE74 2EU

Fri, 8 Jul 2022

Erection of 4 no. E(g)/B2/B8 units including access, parking, service yard, landscaping and associated works

Land Between A453 And M1 J23A
Ashby Road

Mon, 18 Dec 2023

Retrospective application for replacement 8 no. windows and 2 no. French doors

3 Daleacre Court
Main Street
DE74 2AB

Wed, 27 Dec 2023

The construction and operation of a ground-mounted solar farm with a generation capacity of 7.4MW together with access, landscaping and associated infrastructure

Donington Park Service Area Junction 23A
Ashby Road
Castle Donington
DE74 2TN

Tue, 16 Jan 2024

Demolition of existing building and garage, erection of replacement garage and building to be used as dwelling, widening and repositioning of existing site access

39 Main Street
DE74 2RH

Tue, 16 Jan 2024

Extension and alteration to existing dwellinghouse, conversion of existing outbuilding into habitable accommodation to form part of existing dwelling with link structure, widening and repositioning of existing site access

39 Main Street
DE74 2RH

Mon, 3 Jun 2024

Outline planning permission (means of access from A453 fixed; all other matters reserved for future determination) for the construction of employment floorspace (use classes B2/B8) with ancillary (integral) offices (use class E(g)(i)); and associated infrastructure including earthworks, internal estate road, parking and landscaping (all)

Land South Of A453 Ashby Road
North Of Hyam's Lane
Castle Donington

Thu, 29 Aug 2024

The approval of details reserved by conditions 5 (Landscaping), 6 (Biodiversity/Enhancement), 7 (Levels) and 9 (Lighting) relating to planning permission reference 23/01359/FUL

The Stables
4 Kelhams Court
DE74 2SF

Fri, 20 Oct 2023

Non-material amendment to reserved matters approval ref. 22/00954/REMM (outline planning permission reference 20/00316/OUTM) so as to allow for amended floor plans and elevations, changes to office and warehouse floorspace, reductions to service yard areas, installation of photovoltaic panels, and addition of external recreational facilities

Land Off
Netherfields Lane

Tue, 20 Aug 2024

Amendments to conditions 2 and 3 of planning permission 23/01354/FUL which was for the extensions and alterations to dwelling to allow changes to the design and materials to be discharged

2 Main Street
DE74 2RB

Mon, 5 Aug 2024

Change of use of Agricultural land to mixed use agricultural/equestrian (livery), erection of an agricultural shed for the storage of agricultural equipment for site maintenance, construction of equestrian manège and retrospective permission for an associated access track

Land Rear Of Peggs Barn
Main Street
DE74 2RB

Last updated: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 09:54