20th September 2024

Search Kegworth Parish Council

Serving the people of Kegworth

Parish Council Allotment Sites

Kegworth Parish Council has three allotment sites within the village. They are on Sideley, Station Road and School Alley (just off Whatton Road) with around sixty plots in all.

Hopefully you will see there is plenty of activity on the plots in early Spring and there has even been some time for a recent meeting of scarecrows on SideLey allotments! Hopefully over the coming weeks, one or two more scarecrows may appear so keep a look out...

Scarecrow meeting

An allotment holder on SideLey gets crafty!

National Allotment Society Newsletters

Click on the below link to see National Allotment Society News from the East Midlands Region - February 2020.


Spring 2019 Newsletter

The boring bit.......!

Tenancies on all our allotment sites renew each year on 1st April. New agreements for signature are issued by the end of March. The Allotment Society encourages the Council to ask holders to sign agreements each year as this provides the opportunity for everyone to be reminded of the terms and conditions.

If you are an allotment holder and are thinking about giving up your allotment plot, please do this as early in the new year as possible. This then gives the opportunity for a new allotment holder to take the plot on in good time and prepare it before the Spring.

Any questions about the allotment plots, to be added to the waiting list or anything else, please contact the Parish Clerk by clicking here.

Used with kind permission of Mr J McKay

Used with kind permission of Mr J McKay

The Parish Council is a member of the National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners. Click here to find out more information on their website.

Used with kind permission of Mr D Hayes

Used with kind permission of Mr D Hayes

Last updated: Mon, 24 Feb 2020 13:31